A concise, narrative journey through the Bible.

This easy-to-read book unfolds the Bible’s answers to life’s biggest questions by retelling and connecting the pivotal events recorded in the Bible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I'm not a Christian...how is this book useful to me?

Many people have heard of a character or a proverb from the Bible. This book allows the reader to journey a little deeper into those events and discover the overarching message. Through the chronological journey, the reader will gain insight into the answers the Bible gives to life’s fundamental questions.

How long is the book?

What’s It All About takes an average of 3-4 hours to read. It is about 100 pages, with endnotes following for further study (138 pages total).

Which translation of the Bible did you use?

We used the NIV 2011 translation.

Do you ship anywhere?

Currently, we are only shipping to the United States, but we hope to add more countries soon. If you're outside of the U.S., send us an email at admin@findinghim.co and we'll do our best to troubleshoot the shipping.

Author's Note

I, like many, have pondered the questions of life and searched to find their answers.

This book aims to help the reader find answers to universal questions by providing a concise, reader-friendly, and easy to grasp approach to the Bible. The chapters are chronological and show how the pieces of the Bible are all interconnected.

As I wrote each chapter, I began to see more and more of the God who loves me and whom I love. The events recorded in the Bible were like a window into seeing who God is and what He has done. So often, I sat on my deck in awe of the God behind these events. At times I was hesitant to write, not wanting to say anything that might misrepresent Him. I prayed for His guidance and wisdom, and worked with great diligence as best as I could to have each sentence be an accurate reflection of what was written in the Bible.

When I finally made it to the Epilogue (covering the Book of Revelation) there were times I was tempted to gloss over some of the events recorded in this part of the Bible. But as I spent time wrestling with God over the prophecies that were written, I finally came to a peace to trust Him. The God who had revealed Himself in the Book of Genesis and in the Book of John was and is the same God who has revealed Himself in the Book of Revelation. He is Creator God whose perfect holiness is expressed in perfect love, perfect mercy, and perfect judgment, and in Him alone I will trust.

The journey has given me a gift... it has deepened my reverence and trust in the God who has made
Himself known.

“This is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and him whom you sent,
Jesus Christ.” John 17:3 / W.E.B.